E. Jeanne Blitzer
Andelman bio, 9/1/06
I was born in February, 1932, Toledo, Ohio, USA to Lena REITER and
Adolph BLITZER, immigrants, arriving to America in 1913. I'm the
6th of 7 children--5 boys, 2 girls. My ability to sing at an
early age led to piano studies and singing during my elementary and
highschool years, eventually receiving a BM degree at the Cleveland
Institute of Music in piano and Dalcroze Eurhythmics. I taught
classical piano for 31 years and Dalcroze for 9.
During WWII when my brothers were at War, I had more time with my
mother and began asking her about her childhood, growing up in
Europe--somewhere? She told me that she came from a town called
Mielnitza, Austria (I could hardly pronounce it) which was ruled by a
kindly Emperor, Franz Joseph. Most interesting, though for
me were the stories Lena told me about her mother, Chana
FLEISCHMANN ??REITER, c 1851-1939, a graduated midwife who upon
immigrating with Lena and my grandfather, Fischel Reiter, traveled to
somewhere in Columbus, Ohio, where she took an examination, earning a
midwifery recertification to practice in Toledo which Chana did,
retiring at the age of 75. The idea of a "professional" woman
fascinated me as I didn't know a mother at the time who was one
In 1990 my husband Ted brought home a word processor. At the same
time a friend told me she was researching her family history as a
member of the Cleveland Jewish Genealogy Society. Although I
didn't have the time, I joined the group in hopes of finding out
something about my grandmother Chana--were my mother's stories tales or
facts. I had no documents other than my father's naturalization
paper or any relatives from whom to gather family history; I just had a
burning desire, that drove me to find answers.
My father, Adolph BLITZER, told me that his father, Nachman, sent him
as a young boy, to Mielnitza to apprentice with my grandfather Fischel,
who had a tailor shop. When Adolph completed his training,
he moved to CZERNOWITZ where he found work tailoring women's suits and
coats. For my father, (c 1898-1978), an intellectual and arts
devotee, this was a city that enabled him to become self educated .
This was a city that nourished and influenced Adolph's thinking.
He took advantage of all cultural opportunities (student ticket prices)
ie the opera, theater, and most of all books which he
brought to America in 1913, written by great people, particularly
philosophers ie Spinoza who was Adolph's favorite. My grandfather,
Nathan, was chasidic, denying Adolph a public school education which in
Austria at that time was compulsory. He spent 3 days in jail for
breaking the law. Adolph was a very good student in Cheder and felt at
home among the Yeshiva institutions in Czernowitz. Adolph was
born in Kudrynce (pronounced kid-er-unce) Kudrintsy, Ukraine
The results of my research can be read at: http://reiterblitzer.com
a book (in progress) that I've been writing online since Feb,
'01, titled The Tailor Shop, Threads of our Past.