Personal Introduction from Frederick Andermann:

I was born in Czernowitz in 1930, the son of Adolf Andermann and Anny Hubner.

My father was originally from Suceava, and his family had come from Galicia. I attended the Elite School with Dr. Wihneanu as principal. Berthold Glaubach was my friend and classmate.

I lived on Karolinengasse 5 between the Temple and the Mehlplatz. My late father was a co-owner of the Fabrica Soare factory which manufactured pocket knives and other articles, but there was no obvious relationship with the Deutsch and Andermann Hardware Store in Czernowitz (Deutsch is my wife Eva's maiden name, her mother came from nearby Jezierzany across the border in Poland).

We were fortunate to leave Czernowitz at the time of the Russian takeover, first for Suceava and then to Bucarest.

After a year in Paris, we settled in Montreal where I attended medical school and specialized in Neurology.

My late mother was president of the Bukovina Ladies Auxiliary of the Bukovina Society in Montreal.

I have maintained close contact with my friends and colleagues, the late Dr. Emil Berger and Dr. Otto Appenzeller, also from Czernowitz.

With our daughters Lisa and Annie, my wife and I visited Czernowitz in 1997 under the auspices of the Project Osvita funded by the Canadian Government to improve pediatric neurological care following the Chernobyl disaster.

One of my current projects is to write about my mother's efforts to bring about the repatriation of several thousand Transnistria orphans with her friends, Fini Bibring and Betty Schwelberg.

I have followed with interest the historical and literary publications about Czernowitz and its communities, as well as movies of Volker Koepp ("Herr Zwilling and Frau Zuckermann" and "This Year in Czernowitz") and work of Aharon Appelfeld.

I am fluent in German, Romanian, French and Yiddish, and my son-in-law Michael is fluent in Ukrainian.

I am looking forward to the trip in May together with wife Eva, my son Mark and his wife Maria, and my daughter Lisa and her husband Michael.   My daughter Annie will be studying for her final exams in residency and not able to join us this time.