Hadassa Kav-el
My name is Hadassa Kav-el,born Buller, on 1940 in Vashkautz,a shtetl on
the Cheremush between Vijnitz and Czernowitz. My mother
was the daughter of Ester and Srul Gottesman, who had a "kreitchme" in
Wolchenetz. My father, Berko, was the youngest of the six children of
Huge and
Moishe Buller who had a business of tanning and leather in Vashkautz.
When the Russians invaded bukowina, on 1940, two of the Bullers were
already in Palestina. The rest of the family except us , was sent to
Sybiria as "capitalists and Zionists". My father and my pregnant mother
driven out of their home and were allowed to stay at Dr. Gruders (the
doctor of Vashkautz) where I was born.
On the autemn of 1941 most of the bukowinian jews were driven thru
Mogilev, over the Dneister to transnistria and we were among them.
Together with
my mother`s parents we landed in Djurin, where we spent the war years.
Somehow we survived and came back to Czernowitz in 1944. My father then
back to Vashkautz and soon was murdered by Banderovzes (ukrainan
nazies) who
threw his body into the frozen river. In 1945 we passed into Romania
,where my grandfather died. My grandmother got then a certificate to
Palestina, my mother managed to smuggle me onto the ship . My gramma
and me arrived
in Haifa on may 1946. it took my mother another year and a half to join
I grew up and live in Israel. I studied and was a math teacher until my
retirement. I married a wonderfull guy ,Gerard, originally from Algiria
and we have four children and three grandchildren.
Three years ago I went to visit Bukowina accompanied by my husband and
one of my daughters. We visited all the places and cemeteries
concerning our family. We found some of the graves, said "kadish" and
took many
In Wolchenetz we even found two neighbors who remembered my
grandparents. And that was it!
Frankly I don't think I will ever go back there, as I can not find in
myself even one good sentiment towards neither Ukraine nor Romania nor
their habitants.
I am very glad to have found the czernowitzer group of jewish people
and will happily meet the group in Israel.