Abraham Kogan -
Personal Introduction
I was born in Czernowitz in 1926, grew up there and left in 1944. In
October 1941, at the beginning of the massive deportations to
Transnistria my late father, who was in the timber
business/industry, received a permit "Autorizatzie" to stay in
Cz. The family
managed to survive there in the Ghetto until end of March 1944, in
spite of the additional expulsions to Transnistria that followed from
time to time (1942-1943). In April 1945 and after a series of
serious obstacles I
managed to get out of the Soviet Union after obtaining permission for
"repatriation" to Romania as a former Romanian citizen. I was all
alone, very far from
my family, crossed the border to (Iashi). A month later, the family was
reunited in northern Romania (my parents, sister and brother) and we
continued our wandering westwards.
Elementary school: "Safah Ivriah" - Hebrew school (4 years);
Secondary school: L.E.G. (Romanian private high school) (3 years)
1940-1941 Soviet period: Yiddish High School No. 5
In 1945-1946, we got stuck in Transylvania/Romania and could not run
away further to the west. I finished there my high school studies and
started studying civil engineering at the Polytechnical University in
Timisoara. In late 1947 I temporarily interrupted my studies to
emigrate to Palestine
(Aliyah Beth via Cyprus - almost 1½ years in British "illegal
immigrants" camps). I came to Israel only at the end of January
1949, resumed
my civil engineering studies at the Technion in Haifa, and graduated in
(B.Sc.). After passing the subsequent special diploma exams and
presentation of
my "project", I obtained the "Dipl.-Ing." degree in 1953.
I became specialized in water resources development, irrigation and
water supply engineering. I was one of the founders of TAHAL Water
of Israel Ltd., the official Israeli Government's agency for developing
the water sector of the country. In 1978 I was invited by the World
Bank to
join a team of experts for preparation and appraisal of a large-scale
irrigation project in Peru. After successfully completing that
mission I was
offered to join the professional staff of the World Bank, got a senior
at its Washington DC headquarters, where from I worked for
another 17
years altogether (8½ years with Latin American countries and
years with Central and Eastern European countries).
Upon return to Israel, in 1996, I still got several special consultancy
assignments for the World Bank, to Latin American countries, but mainly
Eastern Europe. Although I am formally a retiree, I am still
professionally active, but on a part-time basis.
I am almost a "fanatic Czernowitzer patriot", but never intended to go
back, since 1944. It was only in late December 2005, after having
"discovered" Mimi, the daughter of my good old Czernowitzer friends,
that I decided
to join the 2006 Reunion group, at the urging of my son David (Dudu).
wife, Dola, who is from Kraków/Poland, a Bergen-Belsen camp
did not come to the Reunion. All our children and grandchildren
are "Sabras".
I am still emotionally so excited from what I saw, the reminiscences
and the associated experiences that I went through during this visit to
former hometown that I am unable to describe them in detail. Perhaps
some time
in the near future.