3 My great-grandmother, whose maiden name was Rudman (possibly also spelled Rodman). She was the mother of my grandfather, Emil Raymond [Yerachmael] Goldenberg (1889-1964), who was born in Czernowitz.
4 The inscription on the reverse side of the photo of Emil’s mother: “Remember your forgotten mother, who sends you a kiss....[signed] your ["letter L"? - for loving?] Mother.” It is addressed to “Emil Goldenberg, Amerika.” (Please note that the modern handwriting identifying some of these photos is my mother’s, not part of the original.)”
5 Emil's mother and sisters Betty, Sali, and Regina Goldenberg
6 Emil’s mother and sisters, reverse side, with inscription: “For eternal remembrance, your never-forgetting Mother” Signed Regina and Siblings
7 Emil’s sister, Sali Goldenberg
8 Sali Goldenberg, reverse side: “Dear Brother. You can’t imagine what a joy that was, getting your letter after such a long time, and ….(?) to hear from you. Dear brother, I often wrote to you, but surely my letters did not get through to you. I have been on the run [or: a refugee] in Vienna for [the last?] 2 years. From there I regularly wrote to you. Finally, dear brother, I can tell you that I have been engaged for quite some time now.”
9 Sali Goldenberg
10 Sali Goldenberg-reverse side: [this appears to be a continuation of the inscription on the reverse side of the previous photograph] “but not happy about it. I would love to just leave him behind and come on my own to America, as I have already experienced such evil, I cannot even speak about it. I also want to experience something a little good. So, how are you, dear brother? I already wrote about how I am. Dear brother, I am sending you 2 photographs, but they are not a good likeness. Hope you will still recognize me. Apart from that, nothing new. Hugs and kisses from your loving sister Sali, who wishes to see you soon. 1000 greetings and kisses to my dear sister-in-law. I hope she is reading all of what I write. Again, I send greetings to you all. Sali. Write soon!”
11 Emil's sister Sali Goldenberg Schwarz and husband Adolf
12 Reverse side of photo of Sali and husband, with inscription: “ 5 June, 1923. Dear Brother. Transmitting to you my picture with heartfelt greetings from your sister and brother-in-law, and asking for a picture of you also, to please us, and for you to answer soon. Sali and Adolf. Heartfelt kisses to your d[ear] wife and children.” Signed Sali Schwarz [Spice?]. Sali’s return address was Uhrmachergasse 6, and the photography studio was Jacob Brull [with umlaut], Hauptstrasse 36, Czernowitz
13 Emil’s sister, Berta(Betty) Goldenberg
14 Betty Goldenberg, reverse side of previous photo - whatever is left of the sticker from the photography studio seems to be written in Romanian
15 Letter from Betty to Emil Goldenberg, early 1920’s: “Dear Brother. I have sent you a picture and you did not send me a reply. Did you really not receive it? Please answer that question in your next letter to me. And, please answer quickly as I am already tired of waiting. Apart from that, nothing new. Hugs and Kisses from Your Sister Berta (who always thinks of you). Lots of Kisses to my Sister-in-law and to my nephew. Write to me soon! And do write a lot as I would then have a lot to read! I enjoyed the fact that you wrote in German. You should only use German!”
16 Letter from Betty to Emil Goldenberg, continued (possibly with a page missing): “….bearing/taking it only when relying on Isu [their brother Isidore/Israel]. If only Father were still living we would probably be better off, but thus I have to report that I have to earn [money] on my own to make a living. And concerning the passport, I don't even have to ask for one - Isu will somehow take care of everything, without any difficulties. Dear brother, please write to me what I would need and how I can be with you the most quickly. I can't wait and I am longing for that time. I am in holiday fever already, but patience is golden. How much would I like to see you again dear brother, and my beloved sister-in-law and my [sweet little] nephew, but hopefully it is not for long anymore. Regards and kisses from [or to] all the family.”
17 Berta/Betty Goldenberg.
18 Reverse side of Betty Goldenberg 2, with inscription: “From time to time remember your sister Berta who is always loyal to you. Dorna Watra, 28 January,1923”
19 Emil’s sisters Regina (L) and Betty (R), and unknown third person (middle). Could this be Dorna Vatra? It looks mountainous.
20 Emil’s sisters Regina and Betty, reverse side, with inscription: “For remembrance of your sisters, Berta and Regina”
21 Emil’s sister, Regina Goldenberg, original photograph
22 Regina Goldenberg, restored photograph
23 Reverse side of previous photo - Photography studio was Ferdinand Straus, Czernowitz, Hauptstrasse 10
24 Regina Goldenberg
25 Reverse side of Regina Goldenberg, with inscription: “For Remembrance” signed Regin Goldenberg, D.W. [Dorna Vatra], 25 IX, 22 [9-25-1922]
26 Emil’s younger sister and brother, Regina and Isidore/Israel Goldenberg
27 Regina and Isidore/Israel Goldenberg, reverse side. Inscription (or address) says “Amerika”
28 Emil’s brother, Isidore/Israel Goldenberg
29 Isidore/Israel Goldenberg, reverse side, with inscription: “For eternal remembrance from your loyal brother” [signed] Isidore Goldenberg
30 Isidore/Israel Goldenberg and his wife
31 Isidore/Israel Goldenberg and his wife, reverse side, with inscription: “In order that we should not forget each other, I am sending you a picture of myself and my wife, along with many regards and kisses. Your brother Israel Goldenberg, who is thinking of you.”
32 Unidentified Goldenberg or Rudman relatives
33 Unidentified Goldenberg or Rudman relatives, reverse side. The photography studio was Foto Julietta in Bacau.
34 Bukovina Radautz Landsmanshaft, New York, March 1909. They are being presented with a banner from the Jablonower Landsmanshaft. My grandfather Emil, who was 19 years old at the time, is in the row above the banner, above the young man standing just to the right of the banner.
35 Emil Goldenberg's WWI draft registration card
36 1918, New York. Wedding photo of my grandfather, Emil Goldenberg, and my grandmother, Tillie Wolfson (1892-1979)
37 Probably a meeting of dress manufacturers in New York. My grandfather is in the upper row on the extreme right.
38 Emil Goldenberg's WWII draft registration card
39 My grandparents’ house at 2188 East 22nd Street, Brooklyn, NY (between Ave U and Ave V), where they lived from the 1920’s until the 1940’s. My father, Leo Goldenberg (1919-2010) lived there until he went to work in Washington, D.C., in 1939.
40 Emil and Regina and a nephew or cousin, Marcus Goldenberg. New York, 1950’s
41 Mollie Goldfeld Greenberg, the Bukovina grandmother of my husband, Gary Gelber. Mollie was from Grodziec bei Kolomea, the daughter of Samuel Goldfeld and Clara Tager. She married Louis Meerbaum Greenberg, who was also from Grodziec, or from Kolomea. They emigrated to the U.S. in the early 1900’s.