Family Trees from
Yosi Eshet
I based my genalogical research on the families of my four grandparents starting with their parents (my Great-grandparents)
Descendants of Jacob Jankel Nokhemovski - My maternal Great Grandfather: The Parents of my Maternal Grandfather Israel Srul Isidor Ruhm were:
Jankel Jacob Nokhemowski and Beyle Ruhm (G-Grandmother).
Descendants of Zlate Perlstein Wolf (Bernstein) - My paternal Great Grandmother: The parents of my Paternal Grandfather Yudl Leib Leon Wolf were: Meier
Hersh Wolf and Zlate Perlstein Bernstein (G-Grandmother).
Descendants of Shmil Leib Weiner - My maternal Great Grandfather: The parents of my Maternal Grandmother Rivka Rebecca Babale Weiner were:
Shmiel Leib Samuel Weiner and Brane Sternberg.