1982-June-Greenwich, Connecticut, USA


Photo taken at Gaby Rinzler's daughter's wedding at the Greenwich Yacht Club. Two or 3 other Czernowitzers present at the wedding (Felix & Izy Albrecht and maybe David Rinzler) are not in the picture. Seating from left are: Fredi Nachman, his wife Rodica, Fred Schneider and his wife Tosia; standing from left my wife Mira Rinzler, my brother Al Rinzler, Sheva Nachman, me (Gaby Rinzler), Kurti Nachman (Sheva's husband) Toto Thau and his wife Brixi. All the men are Czernowitzers and so is Sheva. Mira is a Bucharester and so is Rodica. Tosia is Polish and Brixi is from Vienna.

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