Nahum Halpern's 80th birthday (May 18) and to view the Scharf Family Tree which Leah produced. The Montreal cousins found out exactly how they are related and they were most impressed and grateful for Lea's tremendous work. The whole Tree, glued together covers one wall of Regina’s playroom - 6 meters long! In the group photo from left to right: Alon Wexler, his son Noah (4 yrs), his mother Lea, father Jacob, wife Debra with daughter Talia (2 yrs), Sofie and Shlomo Golts, Nahum Halpern, Regina Perera Halpern, Dafna Halpern Kahn , Zachary Nathaniel Glazer, Tamar Halpern Glazer, Joshua Rafael Glazer, Aron Eli Glazer, Neil Trevor Glazer, Sara (Segev) Aboud and her daughter Jessica Scharf.
Photo album created with Web Album Generator