From: <Cmrees118_at_aol.com>
Date: Sun, 16 Jun 2002 18:03:28 EDT
To: CZERNOWITZ-L_at_cornell.edu
Reply-To: CZERNOWITZ-L_at_cornell.edu

Hello Moshe, Simon and the group:

This is Cliff Rees checking in from Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. I've been
privileged to be a member of the group's forerunner, "Sadgurans United",
since Bruce Reisch contacted me in the summer of 1998 through a mutual Reisch
relative. I too am constantly amazed at what Bruce has been instrumental in
creating. More importantly, I've been able to host him here in Santa Fe and
can confirm what those of you who have also been fortunate enough to meet him
in person already know - he's a terrific guy!

 My September, 1993 trip report to Sadgura/Chernivitsi with photos (more a
journey of the heart than a genealogical research trip) and an oral history
transcript I did with my maternal grandfather from Sadgura in 1974 are both
posted on the JewishGen Sadgura Shetlinks page, also thanks to Bruce.

My maternal grandfather was born ZRUL LIEB REISCH in Sadgura on May 16, 1892.
His parents are listed on his birth certificate as CHAIM REISCH FURHMANN and
SARA MEHLER, daughter of FISHEL MEHLER. They had four older children before

Through the Ukrainian researcher several of us combined to hire last year, we
believe we found the death certificate for Chaim Reisch's Fuhrmann's father.
It lists his father as ITZIK REISCH, died March 23, 1894 in Sadagora. His
mother name's is harder to decipher, GUSS...? If our information about
Bukovina child naming is correct, Chaim Reisch's mother may have been a
FUHRMANN, hence the way Chaim was identified on my grandfather's birth
certificate. So Moshe and Simon, perhaps there's a connection somewhere
between us. I''ve attempted to check out the Venezuelan angle without
success thus far.

My maternal grandfather's sister, FREDA REISCH immgrated to Baltimore,
Maryland, USA arriving January 1, 1907. My maternal grandfather followed her
to Baltimore in July, 1911 and changed his name to Sol Miller, using his
mother's last name. Thanks to the efforts of Bruce and others, I've been able
to track the descendants of their two brothers, FISCHEL AND CHASKELL to

I could add more detail but at this point I'll close with a welcome to our
ever-expanding group and best wishes in your searches. I'll be attending the
Toronto International Jewish Genealogy conference with Bruce this August and
hope to see others of you there. If anyone else is going, please let Bruce or
I know so we can plan to meet early on.

Before I close, I'm particularly curious about the train routes from
Czernowitz to Bremerhaven/Bremen, Germany during the period 1906 - 1911, the
port from which FREDA and ZRUL left for the USA. If any of you out there are
train buffs, I'll look forward to hearing from you when I return this
Thursday, June 20th from a business trip to Atlanta.

All the best,

Cliff Rees
Santa Fe, New Mexico USA

Researching: REISCH, MEHLER/MAHLER, FUHRMANN, Sadgura, Rohozna, Bukovina

Received on 2002-06-17 07:44:50

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