Dear Melita,
I printed and read all the parts of your trip report, and enjoyed very much. I hope to travel over there sometime in the next few years.
I found it interesting that Josef Burg phoned you and then met with you. How did that come about? A few years ago I wrote (with the help of the Russian woman Cantor at our
Temple) and phoned Mr. Burg. The reason for this is that BURG is one of my ancestral surnames, being the maiden name of my maternal grandmother, and wanted to know if he thought
he was related (he said not). I also e-mailed to find out if the Josef (Joseph) Burg of Israel (Avraham's father) was possibly related and the word came back that he didn't
think so.
Bernie Levy
Stamford, CT, USA
LEVY, POSMONTIER (POSMENTYRER, etc.) from Biezun (or Bedzin), Poland
KAUDERER, BURG, THAU, ALTMAN from Beregomet, Migovo,
also possibly Russ Banilov, Zalusce, Sniatyn, Otynya, Dzhuriv (Ukraine)
DREBIN/DREBEN from Taurage & Kretinga, Lith. and Poltava, Ukraine.
ACKERMAN from Kretinga, Lithuania wrote:
> Dear Members:
> Last month I traveled to Mogilev-Podolsky, Czernowitz and Sadgura. With the wonderful assistance from Bruce Reisch my trip report is now posted on the Sadgura stetlink site:
> Please stop by for a visit.
> Melita Fuhrman Vickter
> Researching: FUHRMANN, SPITZER, HALM, ZIMMER Czernowitz, Sadgora
> MODERATOR NOTE: Please sign future messages with your location.
Received on 2002-06-26 11:37:05
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