From Stephen Morse - another reply

From: Bruce Reisch <>
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2002 12:15:24 -0400

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From: "Stephen P. Morse" <>
To: Bruce Reisch <>
CC: Czernowitz listserv <>
Subject: Re: Ellis Island passenger arrivals (Czernowitz)

Bruce Reisch wrote:

> 1. I think you can write to an address given on the Ellis Island
> site to suggest corrections.

It would be a waste of your time to do so. Be thankful for the database
as it exists.

> 2. For town name searches, it's also possible to do a search for
> town name "starts with" ... or "contains" . . . With Mihowa, you
> might try "starts with" Mi or Mih. There might be a large number of
> hits to look over, but you might be rewarded, too, for your patience.

Also "sounds like"

> 4. It may take several minutes to get a response from Stephen Morse'
> web site in cases where you are doing a town name search without
> entering any surname or first name information. I timed out numerous
> times in my searches until I found that it worked quite nicely either
> early in the morning or late in the evening, New York time.

If you are using my blue search form, then you are using my own search
engine and never hitting the Ellis Island site. It should take about
ten seconds to get a result if you specify at least the first letter of
the surname. If you don't, it will take about five minutes. It should
never time out. The traffic on my site is never that heavy that you
need to worry about peak hours -- the response should be the same at any
time of the day.

If you are using my white search form, then you are at the mercy of the
Ellis Island site for doing the search.

-- Steve Morse

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Received on 2002-07-03 12:31:39

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