From: Les Lothringer <taf_at_alphalink.com.au>
Date: Tue, 09 Jul 2002 10:40:28 +1000
To: CZERNOWITZ-L_at_cornell.edu
Reply-To: taf_at_alphalink.com.au


My late father-in-law, Marcel LOTHRINGER was born in Buchuresti in 1925,
parents Bernhard and Margareta. Family stories suggest they were, pre
WWII, a wealthy and socially prominent family but I have had no luck
finding traces of them anywhere. Has anyone any info about them? Lipur
and Klara LOTHRINGER, sons Bernhard (born Czernowitz) & Nathan (murdured
by an intruder before the war), daughter Vitsa (Israel). Heinrich and
Debora ROSENSTRAUCH (wheat merchants), daughter Margareta, Freddie
(Romanian Army officer). ?one of them had the distribution rights to
British Paints.


Annette Bagle LOTHRINGER
Melbourne Australia
Researching LOTHRINGER Buchurest

Received on 2002-07-09 08:06:51

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