Yiddish letter on Viewmate

From: John Epstein <johnebos_at_bellsouth.net>
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2002 21:07:41 -0400
To: SIG Hungarian <h-sig_at_lyris.jewishgen.org>, SIG Romania <rom-sig_at_lyris.jewishgen.org>, SIG Czernowitz <czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu>, SIG Galicia <galicia_at_lyris.jewishgen.org>, SIG Ukraine <ukraine_at_lyris.jewishgen.org>
Reply-To: johnebos_at_bellsouth.net

Hello all,

I need help translating what I believe to be a letter written in Yiddish for
when my g-grandfather died. Came across it about two months ago and have
been unable to translate it.

Included in the letter is a photograph of my grandfather sitting on his
father's lap as well as my grandfather's brother sitting on the wall. I am
also told that the two men standing in the background are Ben-Gurion and
Ben-Zvi though I do not know which is which.

The quality of the photo is not all that great and the letter is almost a
page long. I do not know if I am asking too much, but I do not know where
else to turn to.

The letter can be found at:

Please respond to me directly at:

Thank you for your time,

John Epstein
Jupiter FL USA
Researching: AGGER/ALTWERGER Klimontow Poland; EPSTEIN Simferopol Ukraine;
Hungary; TRICHTER Czernowitz, Bucovina Austria

Received on 2002-08-16 21:22:08

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