Herzogthum, Bukowina

From: Eden Joachim <esjoachim_at_optonline.net>
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 17:27:29 -0500
To: Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu
Reply-To: esjoachim_at_optonline.net

I have learned that a possible relative is buried in the Herzogthum
Bukowinaer Lodge plot at Mt. Hebron Cemetery in Queens, New York.

The man's grandson contends his grandfather came from Czernowitz, but I have
been unable to find any trace of the surname, Jaackimovitz, Jachimowitz, or
Joachim to have existed there in the 19th century.

Can anyone tell me where Herzogthum is / was ? According to the JGS New
York's website, it is a location, and the burial plot is a landsmanshaftn
plot. JewishGen's ShtetlSeeker yields not even one possible hit.

Many thanks,
Eden Joachim
Pomona, New York

Received on 2004-01-22 07:53:01

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