Although I spoke to Josef Burg by phone about 5-8 years ago when he
ruled out any possibility of being related to me, I have just found a
quote by him where he says "my uncle lived about 50 km west of
The primary shtetlach of my BURG and/or KAUDERER ancestry, as far as I
know, are Beregomet (Ukrainian, formerly Berhometh, Austria-Hungrary)
and Migovo (Mihowa). These are respectively 48.0 and 45.1 km WSW of
Chernivtsi according to Shtetl-Seeker.
I would like it very much if anyone who has current contact with Josef
Burg to either put me in touch with him or pass on my information in the
previous paragraph.
Also, can anyone update us all regarding his current physical and
financial health, since several months ago when someone posted about the
need of aid and assistance by Mr. Burg.
Bernie Levy
Stamford, CT, USA
KAUDERER, BURG, THAU, ALTMAN from Beregomet, Migovo,
also possibly Russ Banilov, Zalusce, Sniatyn, Otynya, Dzhuriv (Ukraine)
LEVY, POSMONTIER (POSMENTYRER, etc.) from Biezun (or Bedzin), Poland
DREBIN/DREBEN from Taurage & Kretinga, Lith. and Poltava, Ukraine.
ACKERMAN from Kretinga, Lithuania
Received on 2004-02-01 17:51:05
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