Re: Lobel

From: Michelle <>
Date: Sun, 08 Feb 2004 11:31:01 +0800
To: Czernowitz Genealogy and History <>


Hi Larry,
Welcome to the list.

Though I can't pinpoint where on our trees we are connected, there is a strong
likelihood that we are related. My grandmother was a Lobel, and we've found
all the family documents relating to her parents immigration in 1908 and
1909. Unfortunately, we have no information on siblings of my
gr-grandfather. But they came from Sadagora as documented by their papers.
Also, I've been in touch with many other Lobel researchers, and with the
exception of one French line that is not Jewish and whose name came from the
Lobelia flower, all the Lobels seem to come from a 100 km radius of Czernowtiz,
dipping down into present day Romania.

My gr-grandfather was William Lobel. His name on his original papers was Wolf
Lšbl. He arrived from Sadagora in 1908, his wife, Sadie Hecker Lobel (Sura &
Sara on different documents) arrived in 1909. Sadie was supposed to be fluent
in 5 languages, like your Jacob (however her ship manifest said she couldn't
read or write). Hecker was shown as Hacker on some documents.

William's death certificate lists his parents as Hilda Parker and Mutel Lobel.
I'm told Mutel was probably Mottel or Mordecai. My father (Wm's grandson) is
named Mort, probably after Mutel. I've seen Parker also as Pauker. William
was born December 24, 1882 according to one of the documents.

The children of William & Sadie Lobel are: Hilda ("Ida" as she was known, but
"Chudie" was on her ship manifest), Esther ("Estelle"), Yetta, Anna (my
grandmother, "Henny"), Abraham ("Al") & Benjamin. They are all now deceased
and their descendents are in communication with me. The first two were born in
Sadagora, the remainder in the US. William was a carpenter in the US and
worked on WPA projects. He died in 1939.

One of my father's cousins remembers that in 1941 an ad was found in the
Yiddish paper (The Forward) in NYC from a sibling (they thought brother) of
Williams, asking for a sponsor to get the brother's daughter into the US. The
cousin thought the daughter's name was Herta or Gerta. They did file the
sponsorship papers, but then heard from Herta/Gerta that she made it to London
and nothing else was heard from her again. This is the only information about
a sibling to William. If it were actually a brother-in-law, the last name of
Gerta/Herta would not be Lobel.

One cousin remembers Sadie talking about an uncle Ignatz Ladenheim. Her
parents, according to her death certificate, were Avrom & Anna Hecker. It is
possible that Anna's maiden name was Ladenheim. Unless Ignatz Ladenheim
married a sister of William Lobel that Sadie might have referred to as "Uncle"
when speaking with her children. However, none of this is proven with
documents, just a vague family memory.

Your Jacob was of an age to be a sibling or first cousin of my William, and
arrived the year before William. Have you found the ship manifest yet?

According to Williamâs ship manifest, he came to live in the US with a cousin
named Mortz Lobel. Unfortunately, the address is unclear - it said ãNew Yorkä
then ã120ä something. According to the Soundex for the 1920 Federal Census
there were Morris, Maurice and Moritz Lobels living in NY.

William and Sadie had a summer cabin in Mt. Freedom, NJ, and at one time owned
a candy store on Saratoga Avenue (Brooklyn) for a few years.

At the moment, that's all I have. We do have a Lobel group on Yahoo, but it
hasn't been active in ages. I was spearheading it and then went back to work
and haven't had much time to do genealogy these past three years.

Michelle Handler

> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> From: "Larry Lobel" <>
> To: <>
> Subject: New member introduction
> Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2004 15:23:35 -0800
> Hello Czernowitzers,
> My name is Larry Lobel. I'm 54 years old and live in California, though
> I'm a native of New York City. I became interested in my family history
> about 15 years ago and have done research on and off during that time.
> My paternal grandfather, Jacob Lobel (1889-1960), a native of Bukovina,
> emigrated to the US in 1907. He said he came from Unter-Stanestie,
> which through my research I found to be a small town near Sadagura and
> Czernowitz, which he also used to mention by name. He was fluent and
> literate in German, Hebrew, Yiddish and English, and had a beautiful
> handwriting. For many years he was the secretary of the landsmannshaft,
> First Sadagorer Young Men's Benevolent Association. I have copies of
> the minutes he kept in Hebrew of the organization's meetings in the
> 1950s. He is buried in the Baron Hirsch Cemetery in Staten Island, New
> York, where I remember seeing a monument inscribed with the name of the
> landsmannshaft.
> I'm very pleased to learn of your list and the shtetl web site. When
> the records and photos become available from the Sadagora and Czernowitz
> cemeteries, I think I might find my ancestors in them. My
> great-grandparents, Schulem and Mantsya Lobel, I was told passed away
> there in the influenza epidemic of 1918.
> Larry Lobel
> Petaluma, California
Received on 2004-02-08 12:35:47

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