[Cz-L] [Re: Hi to Hedwig Brener

From: Bruce Reisch <bir1_at_nysaes.cornell.edu>
Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2004 20:04:30 -0500
To: <CZERNOWITZ-L_at_cornell.edu>
Reply-To: bir1_at_nysaes.cornell.edu

<x-flowed>Dear Hedwig:
Welcome to the group - I'm sure Lucca will be glad to see that you've
been "enrolled". Some group members do read German (and a host of
other languages) so I'm sure some will request your stories written
in German.

I don't know Prof. Barbasch, but I found his email address for you on
the Cornell web site:

Is he also from Czernowitz? The name sure sounds like a Czernowitzer
name. If you knew anyone by the name of REISCH, I'd sure like to
know ;-)

This message (and yours) went out to the entire mailing list for
Czernowitz-L. If you would ever like to email me privately, write to
bir1_at_cornell.edu (That's the number "1" after "bir", not the letter

By the way, your English is really very good,


At 2:28 AM +0200 2/9/04, Hedwig Brener wrote:
>Dear Friends, I got your message and I thank you.
>I am the author of "Jewish women artists", with 199 biographies,
>published 1998 at Konstanz, Germany, by Hartung & Gorre, edited by
>Prof.Dr Dr.Erhardt R.Wiehn..I am working now at a CDRom, which will
>be attached to the second volume with 435 new biographies from
>artists all over the world/jewish artists/ I was born in Czernowitz
>and I wrote my family -story, but my english is not at all good. I
>am writing in german, my mother -language.If you are interrested, I
>can send you some chapters about Czernowitz. or some articles, or
>lyrics, published in different magazines...but in german...I left
>Cz. in 1945, after a period of russian, german occupation, with
>Ghetto and all the "Glicken"...than we picked in the democratic
>republic Rumania for 38 Years...That's life...By the way, do you
>know Prof.for Math Dan Barbash , at the Cornell Univ.?Can you mail
>me hid adress?Thanks a lot/ Hedwig
Received on 2004-02-09 08:02:30

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