Being swindled by natives is part of the fun of traveling in Eastern Europe and often makes for great stories. Once I was traveling in Romania and when I parked in front of my hotel a teenager approached me and offered to guard my car all night for $5. I said, "Okay, but I'll only pay if you are still here in the morning." He agreed.
In the morning, he was nowhere to be seen, but as I was about to drive off he ran up and demanded his five dollars. I said, "You weren't here night; you were home sleeping," and he said, "No, I was working all night." I asked him what type of work he does and he replied "auto parts." I figured I was lucky to have him watching my car and happily gave him $5 as protection money.
Two days I was swindled again. We were looking for a cemetery and got taken on a wild goose chase by a peasant woman. She got 10,000 Romanian Lei for her trouble, the equivalent of 67 U.S. cents (yes, cents). I was told that was enough money for four loaves of bread.
So, I was out $5.67 but have great memories. I'm glad you value the memories your $75 bought.
>>> <> 02/09/04 11:01AM >>>
Hi Lucca,
Here's some additional information on my visit to the Czernowitz Cemetery. My guide knew the person in the City Department that has the records. They
found the location of my ggp
graves and then I hired 2 men to find the graves. They had the location plus
pictures of the graves my grandmother kept in her Siddur. Stupid me didn't
ask how much it will cost.
Everything in Czernowitz seemed so inexpensive. They found the graves after
a half days work. These graves are way in the back of the cemetery, and we needed machetes to gain access. I think it is lucky when the graves are in the
back because none of those had been vandalized. The stones I found were in perfect condition. (burial 1924 and 1932).
Now I was ready to pay them and they wanted $150. My guide wouldn't let me pay that sum saying it was rediculous. She argued with them and they settled
at $75, which was still alot by Ukranian standards. I was so happy to find the
graves I didn't care. To me it was only a difference of one less Shmata for
my closet.
In any event, If you like I can put you in touch with my guide. She knows everyone in town
and is a lovely person. Mimi Taylor also used her when she and her husband went to Czernowitz. I would suggest that even if you do get the location from
the burial registers, I highly recommend that you contact someone in
Czernowitz with names, dates and location to find the graves for those who will be
coming. Otherwise it will be very dissappointing as it was to you when you were
unable to find your gm.
Wishing a great day to all my Landsman!
Melita (Fuhrman)Vickter
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