My name is Stefan Udo Ruff. I was born in Vienna (9/6/25) and we lived
there until 1938/39. I was an only child. All members of the family
who did not
die of natural causes survived the Holocaust. I came to the UK with the
Kindertransport, my parents emigrated to Shanghai and came to England after the
War, the rest of quite a large family were in Rumania, Hungary or Yugoslavia
and most of them got to Israel in the end.
My parents were BERTHOLD RUFF (23/2/1882) and ROSA (nee SALZMANN - 3/4/1891).
Both were born in Czernowitz and lived there until just after the first world
war. My father graduated in Pharmacy at the University there.
Father's Family:
Son of SELIG RUFF and AMALIE (nee PACKER). There were two sisters: GITTA &
TINA. GITTA never married. TINA eloped with a Mormon preacher called MOE
in the early twenties and lived in Utah and latterly in Fresno, Ca. There was
no offspring
Mother's Family:
Daughter of HEINRICH SALZMANN and 1st wife (Name?). Sister FRIEDA (married
to lawyer OSKAR DEUTSCH) - one son KURT (married to TRUDE - one daughter)
living in Israel. Two brothers, SALO and POLDI who never married.
SALO died
in a Russian camp in Siberia during the war.
After the death of his first wife, HEINRICH married again. His second
wife's previous married name was RUNES and she had one son, ERNST,
from her first
marriage. There were then three more children: MAX, EVA, and NORA . EVA'
s married name was HAIM and she had a daughter LIESL. The family lived in
Radauti. EVA died last year in Israel at the age of 101. NORA
still lives in
Israel and is also now 101. Max & Nora married late in life and had no
I have no information whatsoever about any preceding generations
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