<x-flowed>Denise and others may also wish to see these additional references on
the subject:
"My childhood in the shadow of the holocaust" by Mali Haimovitch-Hirsh)
Shattered! 50 Years of Silence: voices from Romania and Transnistria
tragedy; By Felicia Steigman-Carmelly ; Scarborough, Ont., Canada:
Abbeyfield Pub., 1996. A very significant accounting of the tragic
exile to Transnistria. This book is still in print or available
used, but much (or all) is found at this web site:
Holocaust in Rumania, by Matatias Carp. A detailed accounting of the
tragedies and events in Romania, including Bukowina. Entire book is
available online as a "pdf" file.
This book is available as an Acrobat pdf file:
Bruce Reisch
Geneva, New York
Received on 2004-03-30 09:18:29
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