[Cz-L] New stuff and spring cleaning

From: jerome schatten <romers_at_shaw.ca>
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2004 16:46:49 EDT
To: "czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu" <czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu>
Reply-To: romers_at_shaw.ca

Greetings Czernowitzers!

It's spring in British Columbia and time to tidy things up a bit. I've been
holding on to bits and pieces for the website from folks, and I've been
loosing stuff too. So I am trying to keep better track of fragments and work
that's not yet complete. My solution was to create pages in the 'List
Member's Pages' section under the names of those that submitted the material
and to 'park' their materials there until they are complete. This is not a
great solution, but at least these materials get backed up rather than lost
in the shuffle.

Take a look at http://czernowitz.dnsalias.org/mempages/mem.html and you'll
see materials from Fay Berg, Jane Reifer and Ruth Sharvit that are under
construction. You should just be able to click on the filenames to see the

While you're in the List Member's Pages section click on Alti Rodal or go to
http://czernowitz.dnsalias.org/mempages/alti/index.htm and look at the 14
pictures of possible family members she is trying to identify. Can you help
here? These pictures are interesting in their own right.

Next I've posted new pictures from Lilian Madfes which will be integrated
into the 'Photo' section shortly, but you can have a look at
http://czernowitz.dnsalias.org/lilian/index.htm right now for a sneak

Finally Bruce has sent a 14 page copy of a journal article from Dartmouth
professor Marianne Hirsch describing her 1998 trip with her family to
Czernowitz. This is a scholarly documentary of the trip explored from a
psychological perspective. A very interesting read (320k in pdf format). If
you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed go to
http://czernowitz.dnsalias.org/downloads and click on 'hirsch-spitzer.pdf'.
If you don't have the Reader, you can download it free from
http://www.adobe.com/acrobat Choose support, then downloads. More
information about Professor Hirsch's Czernowitz related work can be found
at: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~news/releases/2001/apr01/hirsch.html

I've moved some of the maps from the Downloads section to the Maps section,
but there may be some problems with the cernauti-street.jpg file for win9x
users with low memory. I'm working on that.

That's it for now, best regards,
Received on 2004-04-17 17:07:13

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