new cousin

From: Warren Brown <>
Date: Thu, 13 May 2004 13:15:56 EDT
To: <>

Now that I have found a cousin who knew of my grandfather, I am learning =
more about their life in Bukovina, but also raising new questions.

Does anybody out there know my cousin:=
Alice Zuckerman was born in Czernowitz in 1929. She was sent to =
Yodinitz Transnistria, and later moved to Ploisti, Romania, where her =
name became Alice Manoiu. She said her father Avrum Zuckerman owned a =
restaurant in Czernowitz near the airport. =20
Avrum returned to Czernowitz in 1980 to visit, and went to Sereth to his =
mother's grave. Is there a listing of the graves in the Sereth =
cemetery? Her name was Tauba Zuckermann (Blum).

Warren Brown
Received on 2004-05-14 06:18:34

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