[Cz-L] new on the website - 30 May

From: jerome schatten <romers_at_shaw.ca>
Date: Sun, 30 May 2004 23:18:15 EDT
To: czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu
Reply-To: romers_at_shaw.ca

Greetings Czernowitzers!

1. Thomas Weggemann has posted an interesting report on his recent trip to
Czernowitz where he met with Josef Burg and other writers, painters and
professionals; you can find the link in the 'New on the Website' section, or
go there directly at:
http://czernowitz.dnsalias.org/stories/weggemann/thomas.html Thomas is also
looking for an e-mail address for a Sherry VanWyke. If you can help, contact
Thomas at thomas.weggemann_at_vol.at

2. From my last post to the list... The high resolution version of the
Pruth Bridge architectural pictures are now available in the 'Downloads'
section of the website. As well, the postcards have been added to the
Czernowitz Postcards section and the map is now in the 'Maps' section. The
direct link to these items will be soon removed.

3. Spreadsheet #2. I've lost e-mail contact with Anna Guy, who was working
on Spreadsheet #2. My e-mails to her over an extended period of time have
not been answered. You may remember that this spread sheet was to be a sort
of Czernowitz/Bukovina Family Finder, listing the surnames of those you are
researching; the town(s) of interest and your e-mail address. I would like
to see this project continue, so if you will do the following: Send to me
what you sent originally to Anna. Just a list of surnames, towns and your
e-mail address, and I will continue on with it. If you have never submitted
this information before and are willing to do so, I would be most pleased to
receive it. There have been several cases where list members have been able
to find that they were related to other list members by way of this list.
E-mail me at: romers_at_shaw.ca

4. We have linked to, and been linked to: http://humora.tripod.com/ As the
webperson says:
"The aim of these pages is to provide a photographic record and to provide
the burial records of the Gura Humorului Jewish cemetery, and others records
from the Jewish community of that town, for the benefit of those
genealogists who
live some distance away and for the decedents of Gura humorului Jewish

5. If anyone is planning a trip to Czernowitz in the next few months, would
you please contact me with the details?

That's about it for now...

Best regards,
Received on 2004-06-01 06:28:15

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