[Cz-L] Re: This Year In Czernowitz

From: <m.steinberg_at_utoronto.ca>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 14:39:34 EDT
To: "Bruce Wexler" <AJS1PRES_at_aol.com>, "Gesher Galicia SIG" <galicia_at_lyris.jewishgen.org>, <czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu>
Reply-To: m.steinberg_at_utoronto.ca

Hello All,

The movie described in the e-mail below from Bruce Wexler looks very
interesting. It appears that the well known actor Harvey Keitel is in the

Unfortunately, from what I have read, the movie was released in theatres
yesterday, where I do not know.

As a result, it would be rather unlikely that you would be able to purchase
a copy until the movie is almost through its theatre run.

If you read German, which I do not, the following press release from (I
believe) the distributors of the movie may shed more light on the
availability for purchase of the film but I doubt it.


All the best,
Moshe Steinberg
Vancouver, Canada

GOLDSCMIDT, SANDLER Czernowitz, Israel

WAGNER, ADLER, EDER Jezierzany, Grabowce, Pilatkowce, Czarnokonce,

STEINBERG, GLAZER, HUDES Hrubieszow, Uchanie, Lublin, California, Iowa

SANG, NAGLER, FISCHER (FISZER), HELMAN Zaleshchiki, Borszczow, New York
City, Israel

----- Original Message -----
From: <AJS1PRES_at_aol.com>
To: "Gesher Galicia SIG" <galicia_at_lyris.jewishgen.org>
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 5:48 AM
Subject: [galicia] This Year In Czernowitz

> I was surfing the web for information on Czernowitz and happened on an
> in what I believe was a Berlin newspaper. It spoke of a documentary movie
> "This Year In Czernowitz". It appeared to be a movie of interviews with
Jews who
> had ancestors, or who had themselves, emigrated from Czernowitz. Since I
> such ancestors, I would be very interested in seeing this movie. So I set
> trying to find out where it might be showing. I spoke with the person who
> credit for writting the movie, Prof. Norman Manea. He gave me the name and
> address (in Berlin) of the director, Volker Koepp. I will write to him,
> if any one knows where this movie can be viewed or purchased, please conta
ct me.
> Thank you
> Bruce Wexler
> Jackson, NJ USA
> AJS1PRES_at_AOL.com
Received on 2004-06-18 15:11:13

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