The response for input to the Czernowitz Family Finder database has been
just great. There are almost 150 surnames now on the list. I've even found a
list member that was researching one of the same surname as I am that I knew
nothing about -- so it works. One recurring question that I'm getting is how
to make a submission. Simple: just e-mail me with your list of surnames, the
towns linked to those surnames and a valid e-mail address where someone can
reach you. Send the data to: If you are reluctant to put
your e-mail address on the site, you can always get a free webmail account
from the likes of Yahoo, HotMail, etc., and use that.
Now I've run into a little technical problem: I had to remove the ability to
click on an e-mail address that brings up your mail programme with the 'To'
field filled in. So, there are no longer any 'mailto:' links in the e-mail
address column. The reason is that after making a bunch of entries into the
spreadsheet, I sort on the SURNAME column. Everything looked fine coming
from the sort, but close inspection showed that the link to the actual
e-mail address was getting scrambled. In other words, the data in the e-mail
address column was right, but the link didn't follow the sort. The best I
could do was to re-enter the e-mail addresses without the links. If someone
is an excel wizard and wants to help me figure out why this is happening, I
would gladly take advice on this. Also, because I had to rekey in the
addresses, I'm sure I've introduced errors, so you might want to give that
column special attention.
As of this moment everything I've received is on the sheet. The sheet is now
accessible through the Contents menu on the left side of most pages as is
the Street Address sheet that Simon has been working on.
Let's keep the data coming,
Finally, I received a note from Joyce Field of JewishGen suggesting that I
remind our list members to sign up for the Family Finder on JewishGen
(JGFF), which naturally has a far bigger database than ours. So if you
haven't already done so, take a look at the mother of all Family Finders:
Best regards,
Received on 2004-07-04 08:18:16
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