[Cz-L] "Die Stimme"

From: Miriam R. Taylor <mtaylor_at_bio.indiana.edu>
Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 21:12:16 -0400 (EDT)
To: CZERNOWITZ-L <CZERNOWITZ-L_at_cornell.edu>
Reply-To: mtaylor_at_bio.indiana.edu

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Date: Fri, 27 Aug 2004 21:12:16 EDT
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Dear friends,

Recently, while on a visit to Israel, I met Mrs. Baerbel Rabi, the editor of
"Die Stimme" and discussed with her a number of issues which have been
raised in the correspondence between our list members and she also
asked me to convey to the members of this list some of her own concerns.

What follows, are the main points of my conversation with her.

1. Mrs. Rabi urged me to appeal to the members of our list to subscribe
     to "Die Stimme", even those of us who do not read German. Most, or
     at least a great portion of the money raised this way, goes towards the
     support of older needy Bukowinians.

2. Because of lack of funds, a printed English translation of "Die Stimme"
     is not feasible, but should anyone be willing to do the translating and
     send it to Mrs. Rabi, she would post such translation on the web site
     of "Die Stimme".

    I think that there are quite a number of us who read and write both
    German and English, myself included, and if the work is shared by a
    number of people, it could easily be done. Anyone willing to participate
    in this endeavor, please contact me and we could get started.

3. Mrs. Rabi urged me to ask the members of our list to send her articles,
     letters and any other material which might be of interest to the readers
     of "Die Stimme", this can be in English, she will translate it into

4. "Die Stimme", accepts personal notes or advertisements, such as
     requests for information about people and events. to place a notice,
     contact Mrs. Rabi either by E-mail or regular mail. I do not know
     the exact fee, but believe it is slightly lower for subscribers and
     for non subscribers.

Wishing all of you shabat shalom and a pleasant end of summer,

Received on 2004-08-28 08:11:32

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