[Cz-L] Friedmann

From: Berti Glaubach <berti_at_netvision.net.il>
Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 08:35:55 EDT
To: czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu
Reply-To: berti_at_netvision.net.il

<x-charset windows-1255>Was nice to be reminded of the expression " Bin ich mit a fus im Prut " for
=> " well , worst things could happen". Thank you Gaby.

We have one personal and authentic in our family . Dining at Friedmann's
with some friends, my mother ordered fish, and when she received the meal
was not so impressed by its quality. She had a very sensible stomach, the
story went, my father being a "good eater" i.e. liking nearly everything

She apparently made a gesture with her plate in his direction and said "
Adolf, der Fisch ist nicht gut, iss Du ihn ". (The fish is not good, please
eat it).

Whatever the conclusion about the relationship between my parents at that
time might be, I know father refused to eat it, the fish went back to the
kitchen, and/or may be to another table. I was told the story by
different members of the family and also friends of my parents, who
themselves never denied it, so there is no question about its authenticity.

Friedmann realy was an institution. Last year when I walked with my son
along the russische Gasse I showed it to him, also relating the incident
about his grand parents. The building itself apparently did not leave any
impression on him because it is not among the 150 or so pictures he took on
our tour.

Berti Glaubach , Haifa.
Received on 2004-08-29 08:58:42

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