Two of my maternal ancestral surnames are KAUDERER and BURG -- and
further back THAU -- and I would like to hear if anyone has any good
information for me. The former was my grandfather's family and the
latter was my grandmother's maiden name. I was told that either or both
families were from Berhometh (now Beregomet) and/or Mihowa (now Migovo),
west of Czernowitz.
Those who immigrated came to the NYC area from early 1900s to about 1912
and until recently I knew nothing about any family that stayed behind in
Europe. My mother was born in Brooklyn, NY but then her family moved to
Philadelphia, PA where I was born and most surviving KAUDERERs live in
that area.
In the last year or two, I learned of and have spoken to a probable
KAUDERER relative who was born in or near Czernowitz and who came to the
US after World War II. After some initial contact, neither he nor his
daughter have been very forthcoming with any information as to how they
could be related.
Note that there are many KAUDERERs in the US who are Christians
descended from Germany and who pronounce the name "Cow'-der-er" while my
people are Jewish with origins in Austria-Hungarian Empire (Bukowina
province) and pronounce it "Caw'-der-er".
Stamford, CT
Researching KAUDERER, BURG, THAU, ALTMAN - Bukowina
DREBEN/DREBIN - Lithuania, Ukraine
ACKERMAN - Lithuania
Received on 2004-10-13 15:18:14
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