Greetings again Czernowitzers!
1. There is now on the website a submission of documents and photographs
from Richard Conoboy. If you've never seen a late 1800's Austrian birth
certificate for a Jewish birth where the parents were not married by civil
means -- this document is it. The birth was registered in 1882 in Sadagura
as 'illigitimate'. Comes complete with translation and family photos. It's
at in the 'Pre 1945 Czernowitz Photos'
2. Coming soon, some excellent high resolution Czernowitz postcard scans
from Ignacio Sternberg -- stay tuned.
3. JewishGen's link to our site has been repaired thanks to Jane Reifer --
nice to have that working again!
4. Maybe someone could tell me how one pronounces 'Podhajce'?
Received on 2004-12-01 16:15:35
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