Dear David,
Maybe I can help you. My great-grandmother Chana was a Peretz.
My information is (briefly) as follows.
Hersch Rosenberg was Kreisrabbiner in Ludomir (by the way - does anyone know
where that is?). His son Leib (Yehuda Leibusch) came to Itzkany in order to
avoid military service in Russia. As you say, he married a girl named
Peretz from Odessa, and took her name.
He had six children: Israel, Leiser, Schloime, Chana (my great-grandmother),
Chaje and Sosie.
Israel had five children - Jakob, Josef, Adolf, Nathan and Hermann. Jakob
married Jeanette Turtel. Adolf married her sister Rosa Turtel; she later
married Hermann.
We are in close touch with Jakob's grandson Fredy, who lives in Tel Aviv,
and Josef's grandson Erich who was a professor in Jerusalem but sadly died a
few years ago - his widow Bluma is also an academic in Jerusalem.
You may know all this already, but if you are interested I can give you much
fuller information, including about my own family.
Asher Turtel is I believe a member of the group, and I am sure he will be
able to give you more information regarding the Turtels. Incidentally, my
mother was a friend of Hedy Turtel as a child in pre-war Czernowitz.
I would, needless to say, be most interested to know what is your connection
with the Peretz family! And also, I would be very interested to know who
Esther Brenner Peretz was? - I have not heard of her.
By the way, have you looked at the list of "small businesses in the Bukowina
1914" in Peter Elbau's wonderful web site
If you look under Itzkany you will see quite a number of Peretz's. And if
you look under Eisenau you will find my great-grandfather Schulem Landau, to
whom Chana was married. They ran a store in Eisenau.
I look forward to hearing from you!
David Glynn (London)
> From: "david b" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2004 9:32 AM
> Subject: looking for help finding ancestors
> >
> >
> > Dear Sirs:
> >
> > Do any of you members haveinformation about the faolling families
> >
> > Lieb and Rachel(Turtle,Turtel?) Hochstadt (or Hochstaedt) of
> > Czernotvitz. He was an acountant. They would have been born before
> >
> > The Peretz Family of Itzcany and the family of Ester Brenner Peretz.
> >
> > Supposedly the original famly name of the Peretz's was Rosenberg but it
> > was changed to avoid induction into the Czarist Army when he married a
> > woman named Peretz from Oddessa.
> >
> > Thank you
> >
> > David Blocker
Received on 2004-12-06 06:31:35
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