In thought we decided to keep politics out of this forum. Ben Aharon is the
same guy who called for the workers to take to the streets to keep Menahem
Begin from taking office after the trouncing he gave Shimon Peres in 1977.
Israel Pickholtz
Quoting Czernowitz Genealogy and History <>:
> Dear Czernowitzers,
> Here is the announcement of I. Ben-Aharon's (July, 16, 1906 -May, 19, 2006)
> death in "Haaretz-Online".
> He was born as Nussenbaum and received his education in Czernowitz; a
> personality we can be proud of.
> I hope there will be more articles and obituaries in English on Sunday.
> Best regards
> Irene,
> Haifa
Received on 2006-05-21 07:56:13
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