Dear Czernowitzers,
a warm "Thank you" to those of you who, from
the very beginning, have made me feel so welcome
in your group, and also to those who assured me
that my attending the Reunion would not be a
problem. Truth be told, I'm not sure I'll
actually be able/allowed to go to Czernowitz in
May, and that, for both financial and job-related
reasons. I'll have to see about that.
But what I can promise you is that I'm willing
to meet and assist those of you who are planning
on passing through Suceava on their way up to
Czernowitz. There have already been people who
expressed that desire. Should there be others,
feel free to contact me. I can help with hotel
arrangements, car rentals, tours of the city and
of the university, meetings with/lectures to our
students, trips to Radautzi, Moldovitza, Dorohoi,
Siret, Botoshani, interviews at the Ukrainian
consulate here in town etc. Should my own and my
husbandís connections fail us, we can always
involve Ms. Tania Grimberg of Radautzi, a former
teacher of mathematics who is probably the best
leader and spokesperson the Jewish Community in
post-war Radautzi has ever had.
I hope this helps in some way or another.
Best wishes, Jane (i.e. Ioana)
Received on 2006-01-18 08:36:23
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