[Cz-L] Our donations

From: Danny and Sharon Alon <alonltd2_at_netvision.net.il>
Date: Sun, 28 May 2006 16:07:41 -0400 (EDT)
To: 'CZERNOWITZ 2006 YAHOO LIST' <czernowitz2006_at_yahoogroups.com>, CZERNOWITZ-L_at_cornell.edu
Reply-to: alonltd2_at_netvision.net.il

As Promised, upon returning from the successful 2006 Cz reunion I am
reporting to all of you that a total amount of 11,800 Griven (some 2350 US$)
has been donated in the form of medicines only (that is, no cash or money
transfer) to the local jewish welfare organization of Hessed Shoshana in
Czernowitz. Witnessing the purchase of the medicines were my father, David
Alon, Cora Schwartz, and I. It took place at the Kiev hotel drugstore (on
the Rathausgasse) in the presence of Dr Bursuk who organized the lists of
required medicines.

I have received the following official letter from Hessed:

"...The administration of the regional charitable fund "Hessed Shoshana"
thanks the participants of "reunion 2006" for the charitable help in
medicines, which were purchased in a Chernivci drugstore for the sum of
11,800 griven.... It's difficult to express the gratitude which our clients
feel for this help... The medicines are of vital importance for them since
they are elderly sick people, so your gift is simply priceless... Your act
of charity is a sign of an honorable heart, pure soul and true high
spirituality... May the all mighty render you for your generosity and may
god's favour be with you.."
Signed by - Leonid Fuks, director of Chernivci regional welfare fund
            Josef Bursuk, chief of the medical program
            Natasha Pechenkina, office manager

I would like to thanks all of you again for your generosity and cooperation.
We did make a difference!

Danny Alon
Received on 2006-05-28 14:16:41

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