[Cz-L] New York Synagogue and Cemetery Lists from 1910-1915

From: Steven Lasky <steve725_at_optonline.net>
Date: Thu, 06 Jul 2006 15:21:35 -0400 (EDT)
To: JewishGen Mailing List <jewishgen_at_lyris.jewishgen.org>

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Greetings all,

I have put online a listing of many of the synagogues that existed in New
York City (Manhattan, Brooklyn and the Bronx) and Long Island in the years
1910 and 1915. Included for each entry is the name and address of the
synagogue as well as the name and address of the "pastor" or president. Also
listed for each, when available, is the year the synagogue was established.
I know that many have raised questions in the past regarding many of the
older synagogues in New York City, so I thought I would create these lists
for you. The first list is for synagogues in the Bronx and Manhattan, the
other for those located in Brooklyn (Kings) and Long Island.

I have also created a list of Jewish cemeteries that existed in New York
City and Long Island in 1915. Listed are the names of each cemetery, their
addresses, the area (acreage) of each, along with the number of those
interred in 1913 and the total number of interments to that point. Did you
realize that Washington Cemetery in Brooklyn, established in 1861, already
had nearly 80,000 burials by 1913?

You can access these pages most easily by visiting
www.museumoffamilyhistory.com/erc-cr-001.htm .

Steve Lasky
New York

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