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Dear Mimi,
Going through an old diary of mine of the year1990, I find a
description of the Czernowitzer meeting in that year in the Dan Hotel Tel-Aviv.
I understand that the Czernowitz reunion in our hometown was a great
success and I am sure that you must be tired out after the big effort
it cost you . (Frankly you were great and I really don't know how you
managed it all!) However - and this is only an idea - maybe it would
be nice to start planning a meeting again - and this at the slowest
pace possible - this time in Israel.
I remember the 1990 reunion as a wonderful event, people came from
all over the world and inspite of the fact that they were neither on
old nor on new homeground, everybody had a wonderful time meeting
with friends not seen for many, many years.
We also had an artistic program presented by Lya Koening and her
deceased husband, Zwi Stolper, as well as Fredy Durra, who I think is
no longer with us.
At my age - and there are many former Czernowitzers who are no
longer young - it is nice to have something to look forward to in the
future and a reunion combined with a visit to the Holy Land. is
really a pleasant prospect. I know, I know, politically we are in a big mess,
but our resilience is one of our enduring qualities and after all we
are survisors in most situations!
Love, Lucca
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