Re: [czernowitz2006] Re: [Cz-L] Repeat of message about Cz. Jewish cemetery

From: Miriam Taylor <>
Date: Sun, 09 Jul 2006 19:15:38 -0400 (EDT)
To: Bruce Wexler <>, Czernowitz <>,

> Dear All,
> I am wondering whether it would be a good idea to first find a company
in or
> around Chernvtsi that can do the maintenance on an on going basis, and ask
> them to do the initial cleanup. It would seem to me that the two projects
> would
> go hand in hand, and the maintenance company would have a serious stake in
> doing the cleanup right from the beginning.
> I am not an expert on any of the items on Mimi's list, however I would be
> happy to be part of a committee to work on this. I believe as
genealogists, it
> is
> the ultimate task we could perform for our ancestors who are buried in
> cemetery.
> Bruce Wexler
> Jackson, NJ

Dear Bruce,

Finding a company to do the maintenance is certainly part of what needs to
be done, but maintenance would involve only cutting the weeds once every two
or three weeks from May till the end of September. The initial cleanup
requires the removal of bushes and at least the trimming of trees.
Furthermore, at this point, we do not have anyone to contact and supervise a
local company.

I still think that:

>> We need Information about:
>> 1. The legal status of the cemetery.
>> 2. Herbicides approved for use in the US and Europe, the legality of
>> them in the Ukraine.
>> 3. Generally approved mechanisms of cemetery maintenance and
>> 4. How to establish a fund and society for the clean-up and preservation
>> of the cemetery. Whether it is advisable to establish a tax exempt fund.
>> 5. Proper, prudent and legal means of managing the fund.
>> 6. Existing organizations which may provide us with expertise and or
>> Anyone who has knowledge of any of the needed information, or
is willing to
>> do the needed research, please get involved and volunteer to supply us
>> the needed information.

I have received some information on points (4) and (5) and as soon as I have
time, will send this to the Cz. - List.

Received on 2006-07-09 17:30:58

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