[Cz-L] A personal experience

From: Danny and Sharon Alon <alonltd2_at_netvision.net.il>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 21:32:16 -0400 (EDT)
To: Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu, 'CZERNOWITZ 2006 YAHOO LIST' <czernowitz2006_at_yahoogroups.com>
Reply-to: alonltd2_at_netvision.net.il

Hi All,

I would like to share a personal experience I had earlier this week at the
Internal Medicine ward where I work at the Meir General hospital in Kefar
Sava. I entered room no. 10 during our morning rounds, and saw an elderly
lady reading a German newspaper. The computer sheet stated that she was born
in the former soviet union - a match that could only mean one thing. She
then remarked something concerning the air conditioning, in German - and the
accent was right. I asked her where she was born, and she started to mumble
about today's Ukraine but insisted very firmly on being Austrian. "Well
then, you are from Cz", I said. "Yes I am, I was born in Cz", she answered.
"Have you ever heard of it?", she asked. "Well yes, I have," I answered, and
then, having returned from Cz just recently, I continued - "and on which
street in Cz exactly did you live?"
At this point she stared at me, bewildered, and mumbled: "On the
Rathausstrasse...". But I didn't give up - "Was it down the street, close to
the Ringplatz, or a bit more upwards?"... At this point I had to confess and
tell her about visiting the place myself recently.....
What a feeling of intimacy.
Received on 2006-07-12 19:39:50

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