Greetings Czernowitzers!
1. I received yesterday some correspondence from an Eva Schwartz, who is
trying to locate her sister:
[...] The person I am looking for is my sister EDITH SCHWARTZ. At the
age of approximately 18 she left Czernowitz in 1941 (?) in response to
a call for voluntiers to a construction in Lipetzk - Voronej in Russia -
Sovjet Union. Soon after, the World War II broke out and our family was
deported to Transnistria and we lost contact with her since. There were
some atempts by my father to find her with no results. To my estimate,
if she is still alive, she might be around 83 of age. If, by any chance,
she might have tryed to find and contact any of the rest of our family
in Czernowitz where we were last toghether: my father Schwartz Herman
Ludovic, my mother Laura Schwartz, my other sister Adela Schwartz (all
three of them deceased) and me, Eva Schwartz presently my family name is
Szilagyi - still alive, I can be found at the e-mail address: I reside in the United States and I'll be more than
happy to hear anything related to her fate, beeing, life. And I
appreciate very much the efort you put in to try to help to find and
conect dispersed families. Hoping that you can help me find my sister or
anything about her and thanking you, I remain, Eva Szilagyi
If you can help Eva, please contact her at the email address above.
2. Some time ago, Greta Rindner wrote a very nice retrospective of her
experiences at the 2006 Reunion. I think my mention of it after I posted
it to the website may have dropped through the cracks. If so, let me
tell you now: it is in the '2006 Czernowitz Reunion Group Posts and
Photos' section. It's right after the photographs.
I'm still looking for more reunion photos, commentary, etc. Don't be
3. The Family Finder and the Archives have been updated.
4. May I ask those of you who are still sending messages to the list in
having to edit out the HTML from each individual post that uses it in
order to maintain the archives and the digest. If you don't know how to
post in plain text, send me an email and I'll try my best to help you.
Jerome -- keeper of the page at
Received on 2006-09-14 21:32:35
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