Votes from Donna and Wolf:
1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
Hotel comments
Dan Hertzliya - superb location, excellent hotel. Might be "more =
affordable" [$150 range] before pesach.
Hasharon ? Daniel ? Its the hotel north along the same street as the Dan =
but not sure which one it is. Also good hotel, less expensive than Dan, =
bigger, not so luxurious.
For determined drivers who don't want to take the train, parking is easy =
and free for both hotels.
Both of these hotels are within easy taxi or minibus from the train =
station, 10-15 minutes in the worst traffic time, 5-10 otherwise. They =
may also be within walking distance although I never went that way. =
Hertzliya also has a superb collection of restaurants and the premier =
coffee chain of Israel - ArCafe.
For the TLV Dan Panorama, it was reasonably priced in 1998-9 AND falling =
apart. However, as the David Intercontinental was being competed, they =
shut it down and renovated. Therefore, I suspect it is OK now. Parking =
for this Dan and the adjoining Intercontinental is not so easy and =
getting there from the train station is not so easy -- but there may be =
a good bus which I don't know about.
Location of the suggested hotels in both TLV and HER is lovely. The =
March 26-start should give us wonderful weather.
Received on 2006-10-03 21:54:58
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