[Cz-L] News from the Website - 22 Dec 06 (long)

From: jerome schatten <romers_at_shaw.ca>
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2006 15:43:15 -0800
To: czernowitz-l list <czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu>
Reply-to: jerome schatten <romers_at_shaw.ca>

Greetings Czernowitzers!

1. Rita and Gidi Shilo's Reunion pictures are now complete with the
addition of the Transnistria trip in four albums: Czernowitz to
Transnistria; Transnistria-General; Berchad; and Mogiliv-Podolsk. Go to
either 'Reunion Group Posts and Photos' or 'Post WWII Czernowitz
Photos'. They are cross linked.

2. Wolf Schaechter's camera captured each day of the Reunion separately,
plus breakfast on day two in six albums. Most pictures have very brief
captions (the same as on the CD). We stay at home net travellers can now
put some faces to the names we see on our emails. Same as above:
'Reunion Posts and Photos' or 'Post WWII Photos' will get you there.

2a. Just a note on the captions... I know they are not centred properly
below the picture (at least that's the case if you're using a Microsoft
browser). This comes from the seeming inability for Microsoft to comply
with industry standards that they have not written. Thus there are these
little annoyances caused by me abandoning all Microsoft tools in
generating and maintaining the website. Finally, if you have information
that identifies those folks not in the captions and you can re-caption
the picture for me, I'll do my best to update it and get it right. In
the right hand corner of the album page, while your looking at a
specific picture, you will see something like <<22/55>> This means
you're looking at picture 22 out of 55. So you can identify the picture
as 22, say, and provide me with the caption information.

3. The Czernowitz Reading List has been updated along with the Archives
and Family Finder.

4. Ruth Sharvit's pages have been published. Read her interesting story,
documents and pictures along with a link to her artwork. Go to 'List
Members' Pages' and click on her name.

5. Carmit Brull-Sotil has an album of Czernowitz family photos from the
20's and 30's. Go to 'Pre-WWII Czernowitz Photos' or the 'Help Identify'
section to look at these interesting pictures.

6. The Recipe Book has been updated thanks to Michele Troup. More are in
the hopper, so if yours is not there yet, fear not, it will appear soon.
On that note -- when are you going to send in YOUR recipes? Soups...
where are the soup recipes? I'm still trying to find a recipe for the
soup my mother called 'YUSHKA', a potato soup made with sour cream,
butter, carrots, potatoes, fresh dill weed, etc. Anyone have a line on
that? Borscht, Chicken soup, with the obligatory kanadelach, etc. I'm
inclined to think of this as the 'Czernowitz-L' Jewish Cookbook' rather
than a totally Bukovina cookbook. Remember, send your recipes to the
list and put 'Add Recipe' in the Subject line. Yum, Yum!

For those of you that just joined us, and many have in the past month or
so, the website is at: http://czernowitz.ehpes.com

Finally, my stint as moderator while Bruce was away recently brought
home what a miserable job it is to have to strip out the HTML from
postings before they get to the list. Please POST in PLAIN TEXT not in
HTML. Here's how to do it:

For MS Windows XP and for Win98/Win95 using IE.

1. Fire up Internet Explorer
2. Click on Mail, the way you usually do
3. Click on Address Book
4. You will see a list of people whose addresses are in your address
5. Find the Czernowitz-L entry and click on it.
6. You will see a list of properties for Cz-L with tabs running along
the top.
7. Click on the name tab.
8. You will see down at the bottom, a check box that says: Send email
using plain text only. Check this box.
9. Click OK on the bottom right.
10.Exit from the address book and you're finished

If you're an AOL user just type the message and right click anywhere in
the body of the email. A drop down menu list includes "compose as plain
Or if everything else fails, try this link from JewishGen:

JewishGen has quite an exhaustive section on posting in plain text that
covers almost all known browser-email programme combinations.

All the best,
Received on 2006-12-22 17:12:17

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