A conference with the title
"Czernowitz at 100: The First Yiddish Language
Conference in Historical Perspective."
will be held on the campus of York University in Toronto,
on 13-14 April 2008.
I have inquired of the organizers, and have been told that attendance
at he conference is open and not limited to conference participants.
The preliminary program for the conference is:
Sunday, 13 April 2008
Greetings from York University and the Centre for Jewish Studies
Keynote Address
Ezra Mendelsohn (Hebrew University), ³Yiddish and Yiddishism, Language an=
Language Ideology²
1. National Minorities and the State
Cecile Kuznitz (Bard College), ³Yiddish Cultural Work and the Stateless
Yiddish Nation²
Jess Olson (Yeshiva University), ³Israel geht vor Zion: Nathan Birnbaum,
Nationalism, and Politics Reconsidered in the 1908 Yiddish Language
David Rechter (Oxford University), ³Squaring the Circle: Jewish Politics =
the Myth of Habsburg Czernowitz²
2. Y.L. Peretz and Politics
Marc Caplan (Johns Hopkins University), ³Y. L. Peretz and the Politics of
Marie Schumacher-Brunhes (University of Lille III (France), ³Peretz¹s
Commitment for Yiddish in Czernowitz: ŒA thousand times yes, but...¹²
Michael Steinlauf (Graetz College), "Hope and Fear: Y. L. Peretz in 1905-06=
Banquet for conference participants
Monday, 14 April 2008
3. Linguistics and Language Ideology
Kalman Weiser (York University), ³A Religious Heretic in the Secular Camp=
the Orthodox Anti-Yiddishism of Solomon Birnbaum²
Rakhmiel Peltz (Drexel University), ³From Native Standards to Self-Consci=
Yiddish Language Planning²
Jerold C. Frakes (SUNY-Buffalo), ³Nationalism and Romantico-Biological
Conceptions of Language at the Czernowitz Conference.²
4. Czernowitz and Other Yiddish Congresses
Matthew Hoffman (Franklin and Marshall College), ³From Czernowitz to Pari=
The International Yiddish Culture Congress of 1937²
Rachel Rojanski, (Haifa University) ³From Czernowitz to ŒKultur Congres=
The Role of Conferences in the History of Yiddish: 1908-1948²
Gennady Estraikh (New York University), ³Fifty Years Later: Reassessing t=
1908 Conference from International Press Accounts²
Barry Trachtenberg (State University of New York, Albany), ³Czernowitz,
Yiddish, and the Theatrics of the Jewish Conference²
5. Czernowitz and the Arts
Linda Lipsky (York University), ³Der oyle-regls a tokhter: The Poetic
Pilgrimage of Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman²
Philip Hollander (Tulane University), ³Reclaiming Czernowitz in Aharon
Appelfeld¹s Pirhei haafelah²
Zachary Baker (Stanford University), ³The Painter as Ethnographer: Mauryc=
Minkowski and the East European Yiddish Intelligentsia before World War I=
6. (Re)Configurations of Tradition and Identity
Mikhail Krutikov (University of Michigan), ³German-Jewish ŒOrientalism=
¹ and
the Place of Ostjuden and Yiddish in It: Nathan Birnbaum¹s Ideological
Evolution and German-Jewish Cultural Discourse²
Kenneth Moss (Johns Hopkins University), ³Yiddishist and Hebraist
Conceptions of Culture and Strategies of Cultural Dissemination and
Education, 1908-1920s²
Nancy Sinkoff (Rutgers University), "Nathan Birnbaum and Lucy Dawidowicz¹=
turn to tradition²
Concluding Remarks
I do not know whether pre-registration is required,
nor whether there is a fee for attending.
When I know more, I'll write.
Is anyone interested?
Received on 2007-11-13 04:45:17
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