[Cz-L] Re: New on the Website - 31 Dec. 06 & Nathan KLIPPER

From: Shellie Wiener <s_wiener_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2007 16:31:40 -0800 (PST)
To: Czernowitz Genealogy and History <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-to: Shellie Wiener <s_wiener_at_yahoo.com>

Greetings Czernowitzers!

I am usual silent, not a frequent contributor, yet an
avid reader of all things Czernowitz posted here.

I would like to thank Jerome Schatten and Peter Elbau
for directing our attention to the paper regarding the
good deeds of Nathan KLIPPER. While I had seen his
name as a well-known and wealthy foresting
industrialist in Gold's 'Der Geshichte der Juden in
der Bukowina' I had never learned how or if he was
related to my family.

Nathan KLIPPER was the b-i-l of one of my father's
second cousins. Ana Rubinger FESSLER, daughter of
Leib FESSLER and Leah RUBINGER, married Fritz KLIPPER
in Dorna.

Through Fritz's [and his brother's intervention] 4 or
5 of Ana's siblings and spouses as well as their
mother, Teme SEIDLER, were able to escape undue
persecution and/or death. They all immigrated, had
children and my meshpucha is a much bigger group due
to their abilities and dealings. Fritz and Ana's
daughters live in the United States - one in New York
and one in Los Angeles.

In fact, Rose Rubinger GRIMBERT, a sister of Ana's may
yet be alive in Paris. I believe that she was alive
and nearing 100 years of age just 2 years ago.

As a Wiznitz and Vatra Dorna [and Kolomyya] descendant
I don't expect to find many things in Czernowitz
specific to my grandparents' families - just the
flavor and the recipes. This was a great surprise.

Many thanks, again, and a happy, healthy, peaceful and
prosperous 2007 to all,
Shellie Wiener
San Francisco, CA

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