New entries to the Czernowitz Dictionary
Shompel (verb) = Seasonal shopping at the Temple
Mompel (verb) = Going to the movies in the Temple
Usage: Afternoon we go shompelling , if they
show something cool we might
mompel too.
Jewrash ( noun) = Allergic condition induced by mentioning anything Jewish
to city officials.
Usage : Yesterday after opening the mail the
Jubilee organizing committee
came down with jewrash.
After inquiry they found
the culprit- a letter from a
Jewish organization on
Galizia Blue Flash = Record breaking Lviv – Czernowitz bus line . Awarded
gold medal
for efficiency and swiftness.
Betteldeutsch (noun) = Language used by street beggars feigning jewish
descent for increasing
Czernosickness (noun) = What you feel after not being in Czenowitz for 60
Homesickness (noun) = What you feel after being in Czernowitz for 3 days.
Oldschooling ( verb) = Finding old school .
Oldclassing ( verb) = Finding old class .
Transaging (verb) = Behaving like a six-year-old.
Oldclassabusing(verb)= Entering class and explaining in broken German(!) to
local first graders that this was
your class 60 years ago and
your teacher was Toder ( haven’t
you heard of him?) and
here is where you sat.
Classpixeling (verb)= Taking high resolution snaps to immortalize
historic moment.
Classparting (verb) = Taking leave ,kissing goodlooking blonde female
teacher while
class cheers, singing anthem.
Received on 2007-02-06 07:24:32
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