Re: [Cz-L] An Idea for 600th Anniversary Presentation

Date: Sat, 01 Dec 2007 21:54:31 +0200
To: Miriam Taylor <>, Jerome Schatten <>, Czernowitz <>

Hi All,
   Mimi , what is such a very good idea ?
     Arranging revolving or not revolving exhibitions in the Temple ?
  What Temple ? There in no Temple , there is only a cinema by the
name of Zhovten.
    Noboby has ever mentioned letting us have the Temple for exhibitions.
       We are so easily carried away by our wishful thinking that we
dont see the reality .
       If the operation of these 2 ladies was under the auspices of the
municipality we would have known by now.
    Even if it was ,the Temple was never mentioned as a venue except
    Jerome who thought how nice it would be to have this show
at the Temple and from here all the rest was a snowball of our imagination.
    Classical I.P.A. ( Idische Plotke Agentur).
         Revolving IPA
----- Original Message -----
From: "Miriam Taylor" <>
To: "Jerome Schatten" <>; "Czernowitz"

Subject: Re: [Cz-L] An Idea for 600th Anniversary Presentation

> Miriam (Mimi) Taylor <>
> This is a very good idea.
> Should they not be able to set up a revolving presentation,
> They could set up a photographic exhibit, using the material
> on the website. You Jerome, as the master of the website,
> should write Maita Prout, or Mr. Kisinich, OR BOTH and suggest this.
> A high quality photographic exhibit with appropriate captions,
> could also serve as the first exhibit of a museum in the "Tempel"
> devoted to the Czernowitz Jewish history and heritage.
> You may remember that this was suggested a long time ago by Charles
> Rosner.
> Happy Channukah,
> Mimi
 - snip -
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