[Cz-L] Reminder: Please post to the group using "Plain Text"

From: Bruce Reisch <bir1_at_nysaes.cornell.edu>
Date: Wed, 28 May 2008 15:35:51 -0400
To: Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu
Reply-to: Bruce Reisch <bir1_at_nysaes.cornell.edu>

Dear Friends:

About half of the posts sent to our
Czernowitz/Sadagora discussion group use styled
text, multi-part html mail, or other forms of
non-Plain Text. To those who know what I'm
talking about and have set their email programs
to post to our group in Plain Text - a huge Thank
You! It makes my life as moderator so much

To the rest of you, I strongly recommend that you
take a few simple steps to make sure you are
posting in Plain Text. I don't turn down posts
that are not in Plain Text, but it takes much
more time to modify these into Plain Text posts
before sending out to the list.

Jerome S. prepared the following easy-to-use
instructions for Plain Text posting:


Posts to this group need to be in Plain Text mode, not html.

When someone posts in html, a moderator has to edit each message by hand
to strip out the html. It's very time consuming and sometimes still ends
up with extraneous characters and formatting errors. It also messes up
the Digest and the Archives. To avoid this, all you need to do is make a
simple change in your mail programme.

Here's how to do it:

If you are using XP or Win 95/98 and Internet Explorer:
1. Fire up Internet Explorer
2. Click on Mail, the way you usually do
3. Click on Address Book
4. You will see a list of people whose addresses are in your address
5. Find the Czernowitz-L entry and click on it.
6. You will see a list of properties for Cz-L with tabs running along
the top.
7. Click on the name tab.
8. You will see down at the bottom, a check box that says: Send email
using plain text only. Check this box.
9. Click OK on the bottom right.
10.Exit from the address book and you're finished

If you're an AOL user just type the message and right click anywhere in
the body of the email. A drop down menu list includes "compose as plain

If you're sending to the group from a Yahoo account:
1. Sign into your Yahoo account
2. On the welcome screen, at the top, click on 'Options'
3. On the mail options screen, click on the 'General Preferences'
4. Scroll down to 'Composing E-mails' and click on 'Compose messages as
plain text' (a dot should appear in the circle).
5. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on 'Save' and you're

Send a Message in Plain Text from Gmail

1. Select Compose Mail from the left navigation bar.
2. If you can see a formatting bar, click « Plain text.
3. You can even use the « Plain text link after
you have started typing your message. All text
will be preserved.
4. If you have already applied formatting to your
message, clicking OK will strip it and convert
the message to plain text. Hyperlinks will be
removed, too, so copy and paste them in plain
form before switching to plain text.

If you're using a different system not covered above, try this link from

And here's a pretty exhaustive link to posting in
plain text if you can't find it on JewishGen:

Thanks for your co-operation and best regards,

Jerome and Bruce

This moderated discussion group is for information exchange on the subject =
Czernowitz and Sadagora Jewish History and Genealogy. The Czernowitz-L list=
 has an associated web site at http://czernowitz.ehpes.com that includes a =
 searchable archive of all messages posted to this list. Please post in "P=
 Text" if possible (help available at:

To remove your address from this e-list follow the directions at

To receive assistance for this e-list send an e-mail message to:
Received on 2008-05-28 19:35:51

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