Hi all! Have just returned from czernowitz. The town is being cleaned
,painted etc for the 600 anniversary in October...quite impressive.
Firstly, re the museum project in the newly painted jewish house. It will
only be on the ground floor...but at least it is a start. There is a major
request from Natalya Shevchenko, she has pictures,lists etc but needs
objects for the display cabinets. I know it is a lot to ask but it is for a
very good cause,so if you have anything that you are willing to lend or
donate your name will be on the display case!! Next, the popovici
plaque. There are apparently several layers of bureaucracy that have to be
passed to get the pemission from the city govt to put it up. We hope we can
do this via maita prout. The sculptor with whom we spoke who i gather has
done these plaques for others in the town quoted originally between 3000 up
to $10000! Everybody there also said the wording needs cutting down and it
should say"many thousands of jews" and not a specific figure. There will be
more on the subject from marine and Florence. All in all, it was a very
worthwhile trip and i am now going to have a large scotch on the rocks and
then go to bed! Good night all!! cornel
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