[Cz-L] Re: Listserv v blog

From: jerome schatten <romers_at_shaw.ca>
Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2008 13:30:38 -0800
To: "czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu" <czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu>
Reply-to: jerome schatten <romers_at_shaw.ca>

Hi Helene....

Our listserv has an associated website which contains over 15,000
files of which maybe 2000 or more are photographs. One section of the
site is the 'Archives' which has all the messages of this group by
year, and searchable by Author, Date, Thread, etc. The website is at:
http://czernowitz.ehpes.com Just choose 'Cz-L Archives' from the menu
on the left.

Many scholars are members of this list and many more from outside the
list have made use of the website for academic research in various

The website and the listserv have evolved two separate but linked
entities, which allows the flexibility needed in making available a
huge amount of diverse genealogical material without having
disturbing advertising or space limitations.

My opinion of blogs is _mostly_ as you've ascribed to me: trivial
forums for exhibitionists, exploiters, conspiracy theorists, political
ranters, and the lonely, who find in blogging an outlet for their
frustrations or ambitions. This is not a 'bad' thing as such; and it
is not to say there are no worthwhile blogs. I guess I just don't like
the top down broadcast model of discourse for serious work.


On Sat, 12 Jan 2008 11:58:44 -0800, Helene Ryding
<hryding_at_yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> Dear Jerome
> Thanks for your interest in my idea and the response.
> I take it when you mention researchers you mean people interested in
> family histories (like me) rather than academic researchers. That
> means people without much specialist knowledge who are interested in
> finding things out and who consequently need some way to find out
> what has gone before in the areas they are interested in. I
> personally don't find the listserv format particularly helpful, as
> it doesn't gather messages together in threads so it is easy to
> follow the discussion over several emails, or have an index of
> previous material. Perhaps I am missing something.
> I take your point that a blog by an individual is controlled by an
> individual and the information provided is at the mercy of the
> individual. This seems to assume that blogs are somehow only for
> trivial usage by individuals who are either exploitative or
> exhibitionist. That seems to have a rather pessimistic view of
> human nature.
> But many blogs have serious aims, especially to share knowledge and
> promote discussion of particular topics. They can have several well
> informed authors, who moderate in the same way I believe listserv
> has moderators, and contribute their own material, on which anyone
> is free to comment. So the non-regular contributors would have no
> difficulty adding material to a topic they found interesting. It
> would be easy to search the archives on the blog for material. I
> don't know how to do that on listserv. It's hard for an outsider
> like myself to identify who the regular contributors are, or to know
> how many other people are on the list. It was interesting to know
> the statistics you provided.
> Now that blogs have RSS and email subscriptions, information comes
> automatically to anyone who wants it too, so once it is on the blog,
> it too is a push technology. Neither of these is harder to set up
> than the listserv subscription. So I don't think your point on this
> is valid.
> Let's see what other people think.
> Best regards
> Helene

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