[Cz-L] from the website 2008-01-13

From: jerome schatten <romers_at_shaw.ca>
Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2008 12:32:33 -0800
To: czernowitz-L <czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu>
Reply-to: jerome schatten <romers_at_shaw.ca>


I am finally getting to the bottom of my 'to-do' list which was about
six months of backlogged items for the website. To that end the
FamilyFinder, the AddressFinder and the archives are all up to date.
So is the 'Notable Czernowitzers' section with additions and
corrections from Jane Reifer.

Recent additions of photos appear in the 'Pre 1945 Czernowitz Photos'
section -> 'An album of Pre-1945 Czernowitz/Bukovina photos from List
Members'. To wit: towards the end of the album, a charming turn of the
20th century photo of Bruce Wexler's family (which Hardy has used in
his presentation); 4 mid 30's Czernowitz group photos and a business
card from 1900 picturing the 'turkenbrunnen' from Gabrielle
Eisenscher. Following that, a 1937 group photo of students from a
Czernowitz engineering school from Gadi Rennert. The school, from
Gadi's reading of the indistinct back of the photo is: 'Bauschulle
Czernovitz'. Can anyone shed any light on this photo or remember
anything about the school?

You can get to these pictures from the Menu on the home page:
http://czernowitz.ehpes.com -> 'Pre 1945 Czernowitz Photographs' ->
'An album of Pre-1945 Czernowitz/Bukovina photos from List Members'.

Or if you're lazy, start here:


and keep going forward with the navigation arrows until the end.


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