Re: [Cz-L] Mountains and MACCABI

From: Yitzhak Rosner <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2008 08:30:39 +0200
To: Gabriele Weissmann <>
Reply-to: Yitzhak Rosner <>

The Rarau is near Kimpolung - some 70 Km far from Czernowitz.

By the way, Pietrele Doamnei mentioned in same message of Cora, is a group
of 5-6 m high rocks on the pic of the Rarau.

As youngsters we were climbing up and sleep near Pietrele Doamnei to catch
the sunrise from this place, which I remember until this day. In 1938-39 the
"legionars" opened there an instruction camp and our climbing stopped.

Yitzkhak Rosner

Gabriele Weissmann
Kaiserdamm 18
D- 14057 Berli

Tel./Fax: +49.30.321 15 38

[Moderator's note: From another email I received, I can tell that
Gabriele's post is in response to a query from Cora Schwartz <>. She is looking to find information on a mountain
range called "RARYV". She is also researching (for a book) information on
the history of soccer/football in Czernowitz, 1930s to 1950s. from
Moderator Bruce]
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