At 17:50 +0000 1/14/08, Peter Scholl wrote:
>I enjoy watching the discussion and debate but must draw attention to the
>vast number of emails this engenders. Indeed sometimes there are so many
>that I am unable to read them all!
Dear Peter:
If you or any list member would like, I can set your subscription so
you receive a daily compilation of all posts in a single email. The
information you receive won't be up-to-the-moment current, but you
would receive everything posted within the previous 24 hour period.
>Perhaps we could blog on historical and genealogy
>issues and email on others such as the 600 Anniv.
Our group is based on discussions regarding "Czernowitz and Sadagora
Jewish History and Genealogy". I feel that the consensus till now
has been to leave things as they are. I think it would be divisive
to try to decide which topics were OK for email, and which for
blogging. Once again, I'm with the majority who say leave things as
they are . . . at least for now.
>Another advantage of blogging is that visitors to the website would
>immediately see it. The connection between the site and this forum is not
>entirely obvious.
That may be a good point, though the home page at
<> says "Welcome to the Czernowitz-L Discussion
Group Website". Maybe the link on the left side to the Cz-L Archives
could be moved up in position, and changed to read "Archive of Posts
to the Czernowitz-L Discussion Group"? Let's run it by Jerome.
Best wishes always,
> - snip-
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